Participants will review common mistakes and refine their craft as appraising arborists. Participants will learn about some of the key changes from the 9th to the 10th edition and apply the techniques in the field and in case studies. The first portion of the course is a lecture that discusses the primary components of the Trunk Formula Technique (TFT) and a short history of the changes made from the 9th Edition to the 10th Edition. Participants then divide into groups and appraise several trees using TFT. The class will reconvene and discuss the results. The second day begins with an explanation of the concept of anchoring and how to evaluate the reliability, accuracy, and precision of data points. It explores methods of appraising partial loss, diminution of market value, percentage contribution, and net present value. Next, participants have an opportunity to reconcile different possible methods as they are applied to a given assignment. Participants, through a series of case studies, practice using the different appraisal methods and defending their conclusions. DAY ONE Doors Open: 7:00 am (Coffee, fruit and baked good will be served). Workshop starts at 7:30 - Agenda will include: INTRODUCTION TO APPRAISAL Uses for Appraisal Short history of appraisal Changes from the 9th to the 10th Terms and concepts in the 10th to more closely align with the appraisal industry Approaches for Appraisal Field Equipment for Appraisal Introduction to Appraisals for Insurance and Law Ethics in Appraisals TRUNK FORMULA TECHNIQUE Trunk Area Unit Cost Condition Rating Functional and External Limitations FIELD WORKSHOP Practical application of classroom topics Group work - Measure and rate trees Independently appraise trees Discuss results as a group CONCLUSION Combine final results from each group Discuss lessons learned from field workshop
DAY TWO Doors Open: 7:00 am (Coffee, fruit and baked good will be served). Workshop starts at 7:30 - Agenda will include: INTRODUCTION TO ANCHORING Importance of anchor values Credibility and relevance Defining the assignment Data collection COST APPROACH TO APPRAISAL Trunk Formula Technique Partial Losses Cost of Repair Cost Forwarding Discounted Cash Flow MARKET AND INCOME APPROACHES TO APPRAISAL Direct Sales Comparison Contributory Real Estate Value Direct Income Approach Net Present Value CASE STUDIES AND GROUP DISCUSSION Lunch included if registered before deadline of Monday January 20th. REGISTRATION FEE - DEADLINE TO REGISTER AND INCLUDE LUNCH IS Monday January 20 by 12pm PT. ALL SALES AFTER January 20th May NOT INCLUDE LUNCH AND YOU MAY NEED TO BRING YOUR OWN.
About our Presenter James Komen is a consulting arborist in California specializing in risk assessment and tree appraisal. He helps clients make informed management decisions for individual trees and for tree inventories. His work has been published in Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, Arboricultural Consultant, Palms, Ontario Arborist and Western Arborist. He is an ISA TRAQ instructor and has taught workshops on tree appraisal around the U.S. and Canada.